Redshift 6 Quasar (CFHQS J1641 +3755) |
CFHQSJ164121 Quasar Raw Data by Ken Crawford Redshift 6 Quasar (CFHQS J1641 +3755) by Johannes Schedler and Ken CrawfordJohannes expertly combined his 16" data with my 20" RCOS data of the Quasar for this final result "Time Tunnel"12.7 billion light yearsRCOS 20"Truss @F 8.30 / IFW Filter wheel / Paramount ME Yankee Robotics Trifid II 6303E AstroDon -CL RGB Filters Clr =4.4 hours unbinned CCDAutoPilot for unattended imaging With MaxDL Processed with CCDStack